Travel day to Tasmania!

Today is the day we head to Tasmania! It's only an hour flight and it is domestic. As opposed to our international travel or flying in the US, the times we were asked for ID was zero.  Security, however, was more rigorous and some of our carry on bags got several runs through the X-ray machine.  In Tasmania, we picked up our wonderful vehicle, (plenty of room for 5 adults in this baby) checked into our hotel, (built out of 4 abandoned grain silos) and walked around the cute city of Launceston. (We can see our hotel from pretty much everywhere in town!). I was excited to find that the City Park had Macaque monkeys.  Then I was sad to learn they were not free roaming, but in an enclosure  (Bali expectations) Dinner at the seaport was delicious and the hotel bar knows how to make a good Martini! I like Tasmania!


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