Come Tour the Green School....with me!

Some of you may know that I did parent tours of Brightworks for years.  I thought that would be an easy and fun way to give back to The Green School community cause I have no fear pretending to know what I'm talking about. So I signed up, did the training, customized the tour for myself and today I did the first one!

My planned path had to be modified as it's rainy season and we got a torrential downpour!
There were no paths that were less than ankle deep.  The kids were all barefoot and joyous
So, Dian (my GS tour partner) and I agreed to a modified loop that would decrease the chances of anyone ending up in the Agung River, but still show off the cool architecture and classrooms.  It was a nice group of people and I really enjoyed giving the tour.

Dian gave me this cool flower wreath as a congratulations!  Come tour with me, I'll be here most Thuradays!


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