So do you have pets yet?

Bali is filled with wild and semi-wild dogs and cats.  There seem to be an endless supply of cute puppies and kittens that 'need' good homes.  Everyone who has visited our house has asked 'Do you have any pets yet?' We say 'No,' but from our perspective, that's not quite true.  

We have the Koi that came with the property.  Less than 10 in the front pond, but maybe a hundred in the back pond (counting the fry.). Then there are the dogs that own our street that greet us with angry barks when we walk.  And the Geckos and the Roaches (our friend under the glass was in our master bath (upstairs) last night and in Rams' room (downstairs) this AM with all the doors and windows 'closed.' Finally there are the 4 footed creatures that seem to sleep somewhere in the ceiling; coming and going with the sun.

I think we have enough 'pets' for now.


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