Vacationing vs. moving to Bali....

Last time we were in Bali was 25 years ago with our wonderful friend Zeynep.  It was just a week of a 3 week odyssey curated by Zeynep. Every day was an adventure, and with a pocket full of American Express Travelers Checks, we didn't have a worry in the world.  We have now been here 1 week and boy how different it has been.  Moving here for 45 weeks, instead of staying for just 1 means figuring out the intricacies of long term housing (love to stay at Prime Plaza but the commute!) money (my ATM doesn't work here, luckily, John's does) communication (Google Fi works for John, but maybe I need an Indonesian number for banking?!?) phones (we registered ours at the airport, will it continue to work past 90 days? This is actually a big worry among new GS parents) visas (Rams needs to visit immigration... when?  We need to reapply for which one, when?).  Laundry, cooking, bedtimes and morning alarms... The list goes on.  We are sneaking fun in where we can and are looking forward to a day off Thursday, with Saturday scuba diving in Tulamben!  P.S. It is lovely here.


  1. I remember traveling with American Express checks! Also, picking up my mail at their offices from family and friends. Do not miss that hassle. Love your posts.


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