vaccinations. not just for Covid!

Wow, we have we learned a lot about staying healthy while traveling in parts of the world with less developed infrastructure.  Did you know you can get Rabies from the lick of a friendly dog AND it is 100% fatal without treatment?  Fun Times!  The great part is that there IS a preventative vaccine and we are getting it!

There are a number of illnesses common in Bali that we don't give much thought to here.  Rams is up to date on his "childhood" vaccinations, but John and I needed boosters for Polio, HepA, and HepB.  We will all get Typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis and Rabies shots, Covid boosters and Flu when available. We feel so greatful that medicine has advanced so far and is available to us.  But OWW, our shoulders are sore!


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