Sunscreen - not a trivial matter

The sun in Bali is strong that close to the equator and our Northern/Eastern European skin has next to no natural protection, hence our deep dive into sunscreen.  
California Baby was our go to, but Rams hates the thick texture and won't wear it.  KINESYS was our fav spray, but is not reef-safe which feels environmentally irresponsible.  Rams and I are also sensitive to fragrances (Tide gave Rams a full body rash after his surgery.)
So, our new fav is Blue Lizard out of Australia.  I have long appreciated the sun protection innovations of those melanin-challenges Aussies...Mal and I rocked Australian-made shorty sunsuits at the beach long before they were available at Target.
The best feature of Blue Lizard is that the white bottle turns Purple when exposed to UVrays.  Stupid parents don't have to tell Rams to slather it on.  The lotion tells him.


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